
GSWNY Shops are open for curbside pick-up!

GSWNY Shop Ordering & Curbside Pick-Up Instructions:

Please read and follow the instructions belowso we can provide you with the best service and protect your health and safety, as well as our staff. Your cooperation, patience and understanding with our new process is greatly appreciated.

Step 1: Place your order via email by emailing the shop location you want to pick it up from. Include a daytime phone number for the shop staff to contact you.

Step 2: – Await confirmation from the shop staff that your order is complete with the total amount due.

Step 3 – Make payment via debit or credit card and choose pick up day and time with retail staff during confirmation call. Current Pick up hours: Monday & Wednesday from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Wednesday hours will be 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM starting October 7)

Step 4 – Arrive at scheduled location on pick up day and time. When you arrive please park in the designated area and do not leave your vehicle. Please call the shop location that you have arrived and remain in your vehicle. The retail staff will bring your order to you. When the staff approaches your vehicle, please roll down a window where there is not a passenger, or pop your truck and your order will be placed in your vehicle for you.

*For the Rochester office we will place the order on the table outside the office door. Please follow Al Sigl office procedure. You must enter from Door #5. You will be asked to sign in and you must wear a mask.

Q: Can I use any program cards for payment?

A: Yes you can please have it ready with your credit card when the retail staff calls with your confirmation and you make your payment.

Q: What if you don’t have what I need?

A: At this time, our in store selection may be limited. If we don’t have the quantities or the items that you need, you can access our online shop 24/7 for a full selection, including online only specials at https://www.girlscoutshop.com/ . All purchases made through the online retail website support the Girl Scouts of Western New York and currently standard shipping is free on all orders. OR we can process the remaining of your order at a later date if those arrangements are good with you.

Q: How can I order Fun Patches?

A: All Fun Patches from our vendor Advantage Emblem can be ordered with your shop order. These items will take an additional time frame for delivery. Special orders for fun patches will be placed twice a month on the 1st and the 15th – order can take up to 7-10 business days to arrive.

Q: Can I return or exchange any items during this curbside service?

A: Temporary we are not allowing any returns or exchanges during this curbside service time. Once we are reopen for in-person shopping we will revisit this option for our customers. More to come soon, we appreciate your patience and understanding. For questions, please contact Customer Care customercare@gswny.org or call 1-888-837-6410. In an emergency, please call 1-800-882-9268.

Categories: Uncategorized

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